Getting here & staying here
Conference venues
(Amtrak and SEPTA)
What parking options are available near the Wharton School's campus?
There are several parking options near the Wharton School's campus, including street parking, parking garages, and lots. You can use the University of Pennsylvania's parking map to find the most convenient parking location.
Are there any direct flights to Philadelphia International Airport from major cities in the U.S
Philadelphia International Airport is a major airport with direct flights from many major cities in the United States. You can easily find direct flights to PHL from various locations, making it a convenient choice for air travel.
How do I get to 30th Street Station from the Wharton School's campus?
You can easily walk to 30th Street Station from the Wharton School's main campus. It's just a short, approximately 15-minute walk. Exit the campus and head east on Walnut Street toward 30th Street, and you'll find the station.
Is there an airport shuttle service available to and from the campus?
While there isn't a specific airport shuttle service provided by the Wharton School, you can check with nearby hotels, as some offer shuttle services to and from PHL. Additionally, there are airport shuttle companies that serve the Philadelphia area.
Is it advisable to book my accommodation in advance, and what's the cancellation policy?
It's generally a good idea to book your accommodation in advance, especially for popular conferences. The cancellation policy can vary by hotel, so it's essential to review the terms and conditions when making a reservation.
Can I access Amtrak services from 30th Street Station to travel to other cities?
Absolutely. 30th Street Station is a major Amtrak transportation hub, offering intercity train services to various destinations in the United States. It's an excellent choice if you plan to travel to other cities by train.
Which is the nearest airport to the Wharton School, and how do I get there from the airport?
The nearest airport is Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). You can reach the Wharton School from PHL by various transportation options, including taxis, rideshares, and SEPTA regional rail services.
Is there parking available at or near 30th Street Station?
Yes, there are parking facilities near 30th Street Station. The station itself has a parking garage, and there are also nearby lots and garages where you can park your vehicle.
What public transportation options are available for reaching 30th Street Station?
Philadelphia offers various public transportation options, including SEPTA buses, trolleys, and regional rail services. Most notably, SEPTA's regional rail lines provide convenient access to 30th Street Station.
Can I rent a car at the airport for transportation to the Wharton School?
Yes, Philadelphia International Airport has several car rental agencies located on-site. Renting a car is a convenient option if you prefer to have your own vehicle for transportation.
How do I reach the Wharton School by car from Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)?
To get to the Wharton School from PHL, follow signs for I-95 North. Take I-95 North to the I-676 West exit, then merge onto I-676 West. Exit onto South St. toward Central Phila. and follow South St. to the University of Pennsylvania's campus.
Are there any visitor drop-off areas near the Wharton School?
Yes, there are designated drop-off areas near the Wharton School's buildings. Look for "Loading Zones" or "Drop-off Zones" for easy access to campus facilities.
Are there discounted rates available for conference attendees at nearby hotels?
Some hotels near the Wharton School may offer discounted rates for conference attendees. To find out about any special rates, please check with the conference organizers or directly with the hotels.
What's the best route to the Wharton School from major highways in the area?
The Wharton School is easily accessible from major highways. If you're coming from I-76, I-95, or I-676, follow signs to University City or Center City Philadelphia, which will lead you to the University of Pennsylvania's campus where the Wharton School is located.