about wabf

Welcome to the Wharton Africa Business Forum (WABF).
Here you can, engage with influential leaders, delve into the latest African business trends, ignite fresh ideas, collaborations, and opportunities. We're excited to witness the transformative impact our WABF community will have on Africa's business landscape.



the TEAM

Welcome to the vibrant world of WABF! As co-chairs of the 30th Wharton Africa Business Forum, we are excited to welcome friends of WABF home for a celebration of our shared history and a vision for the future of business in Africa. Our theme of 'Homecoming: Looking Inward, Looking Forward’ is a call to action to reflect on our roots, engage in meaningful dialogue, and collectively shape the future of the continent.

As we look forward to the next 30 years, we envision a thriving and dynamic Africa, powered by innovation, entrepreneurship, and inclusivity. We believe that this conference will serve as a catalyst for new ideas, partnerships, and opportunities, and we can't wait to see the impact that our WABF community will have in shaping the future of Africa's business landscape
-  WABF30 Co-Chairs