
Fiyinfolu Oladiran

Partner, McKinsey & Company
WABF Speaker - Fiyinfolu
Fiyin is a Partner, based in McKinsey & Company’s Washington DC office. As a leader of McKinsey’s Social, Healthcare and Public Sector Practice, Fiyin passionately collaborates with mission-driven leaders to orchestrate and execute large-scale performance improvement transformations efforts. In particular, Fiyin has deep expertise in workforce development and higher education where his primary mission has been to empower these institutions with the capacity to sustainably fulfill their core missions, enhancing education and research outcomes. Fiyin is also recognized leader within McKinsey's Institute of Black Economic Mobility. He leads knowledge initiatives, offers strategic client guidance, and frequently shares his expertise as a speaker on issues crucial to unlocking economic growth and economic mobility. Prior to joining McKinsey & Company almost 15 years ago, Fiyin played a pivotal role as part of the Novartis clinical development team responsible for Coartem.

Panels involved in

Panels involved in

Maximizing Africa's Human Capital Potential through Education

Breakout session 3
Grand panel
3:25 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Discover how innovative programs and partnerships are revolutionizing the continent's educational landscape