
Chike Aguh

Former Chief Innovation Officer, US Department of Labour
WABF Panelist - Chike Aguh
Chike Aguh is the first person in his family born in America, a Fulbright Scholar, educator, award winning non-profit CEO, and Biden presidential appointee. He is currently Senior Advisor at Harvard’s Project On Workforce. Chike was appointed by President Biden as the Chief Innovation Officer at the Department of Labor, the first black person to do so. He led efforts to use data, emerging technologies (AI, quantum computing, etc.), and innovative practice to advance and protect American workers. These efforts included creating the department’s first enterprise data strategy, serving a pivotal role in the $2B modernization of the nation’s unemployment insurance system, piloting the nation’s first workforce scorecard, and serving as the DOL’s designee to the National Space Council. Chike holds degrees from Tufts University (B.A.), Harvard Graduate School of Education (MA) and Kennedy School (MPA), and University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School (MBA).

Panels involved in

Panels involved in

US - Africa Relations: Reflecting on the Past, Assessing the Present and Envisioning the Future

Breakout session 2
Grand panel
2:20 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Explore the evolving relationship between the United States and Africa